The complete marketing solutions that empower Big Brands
Coupon Campaign
Enable big-brands setup a campaign in minutes and get a branded url page.
Market the Campaign to Independents
Run digital and physical Campaigns to independents who carry the products and want to opt it.
Data driven insight
Brands are able to see retailers who opt in the campaign and customer redemption data.

KardStash connects small business owners to big brands and to their consumers via discounted offers. Join and opt into big brand promotions.
Instant notification of brand promotion and campaign and options for retailers to join and push big brand campaigns.
Instant Redemption Terminal
When independent retailers opt-in, they get an instant redemption terminal that they can access via web or mobile.Consumer Discovery by Geo-location
The consumer can find participating merchants by geo-location just by downloading the coupon.
KardStash is designed for all kinds of businesses, merchants and service providers.With hundreds of merchants and many more joining every day, this is the easiest and fastest way to impress your customers and get new customers.